How to Make Beef Ribs Barbecue

This beef ribs barbecue recipe is extremely flavorful and very easy to make. We will make a rub before we cook them for extra flavor. These are cooked in a grill by indirect heat method.

We had some friends over for lunch yesterday and we grilled some beef ribs. Seven of us ate a scrumptious lunch for $30(US). Considering we had left overs, I think this is a great deal! Talk about frugal entertaining!

So what was on this very frugal menu? Chili rubbed bbq beef ribs, arroz con queso (rice with cheese), salad and boiled corn. For dessert we had strawberry crepes and vanilla ice cream. Everyone was ultra satisfied!

For the ribs we had 2 racks and 2 packages of thinly sliced beef flanken short ribs. I paid a total of $16 for all of the meat. Beef flanken short ribs tend to be fatty and tough and are preferably used for braising. However, these particular ones were cut very thin and the cooked wonderfully on the grill. You can go ahead and use whole racks if you prefer.

I made a rub with:
4 tablespoons coarse salt
6 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoon black pepper
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons cumin

Simply place all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well. I had more than enough rub for the ribs. I went ahead and gave the left over rub to my friends to take home. Dry rubs will keep very well for a couple of months in a sealed container, in a dry cool place. So don’t worry if you have too much!

Chili Powder Rub

You need to make sure you remove the papery membrane from the back of your rack. This is quite easy to do. Simply separate it from the bone, grab it with a paper towel and pull it off. Don’t worry if it breaks off, just separate the membrane wherever you left off.

Removing Membrane From Beef Ribs

Once you have cleaned your racks, rinse them off and pat dry them with paper towels. Apply the dry rub, generously on your ribs and let them marinate for at least two hours.

Beef Rib Rack with Rub

Flanken Beef Short Ribs with Rub

You will be cooking your ribs by the indirect method so go ahead and turn on only half of your gas grill. If you are using a charcoal grill, heat all the coals and them pile them on the side with a metal object.

Place your ribs on direct heat until they are seared and then move them to the unlit side.

Seared Beef Ribs

Cover the grill and let the ribs cook, in indirect heat, for 2 hours. Serve and enjoy!

BBQ Beef Ribs

If you are using beef flanked short ribs, they will cook very fast depending on their thickness. Go ahead and apply those onto direct heat and cook them for 2 minutes. Flip them and cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes.

Grilled Flanken Short Ribs

Serve and enjoy! Delicious!

Print the BBQ Beef Ribs Recipe Here

Print the Arroz con Queso Recipe Here

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My name is Mary Ann Allen and I am here to help you get organized so you can save money on groceries and feed your family healthy, nutritious food. My multi-cultural cooking background comes from being born in the US and raised in Bolivia. I have 5 kids and own around 400 cook books. I absolutely love to cook!